Step 1:
Under grievance redressal mechanism, all our customer(s) can log queries/request by calling/emailing us on 9289010320 or published on chqbook mobile application, website of the Chqbook Insurance to register a grievance/request.
All grievance(s) will be recorded, and due acknowledgement of the same shall be issued to the customer(s) within the twenty-four (24) hours of the receipt or recording of the complaint.
The Grievance of the customer(s) shall be duly reviewed with the help of respective Insurance Company(s).
Chqbook Insurance shall exercise all the best possible efforts to address the customer grievances, including a timely intimation of the same to the respective Insurance Company for a quick and satisfactory redressal.
The Customer(s) shall be duly responded with resolution within the prescribed regulatory timelines along with contact information of respective Insurance company(s).
Chqbook Insurance shall take adequate steps for redressal of grievances of its clients within fourteen (14) days of receipt of such request(s).
Step 2:
In case if it is not resolved within fourteen (14) days or if you are unhappy/not satisfied with the resolution, you can, contact us with the details by sending an email to the Principal Officer on “” or write to, Principal Officer at Chqbook Insurance Broking Private Limited, 401 & 402, 4th Floor, Magnum Tower II, Sector 58, Golf Course Extension Road, Gurugram-122011, Haryana, India.
Step 3:
If the decision/resolution provided by the Principal Officer is not acceptable, please make use of IRDAI’s online portal – Integrated Grievance Management System (IGMS), Register and monitor your complaint at, or, approach Insurance Ombudsman-For details refer
In case of no reply from the Complainant, within two (2) weeks from the date any clarification was provided, the Company shall treat the Grievance/request as Closed.